Follow inquest into ER death of Brian Sinclair

The inquest into the emergency waiting room death of Brian Sinclair has resumed this month. The inquest began Aug. 6 in Winnipeg, with hearings running for three weeks followed by a month-long recess.
Sinclair, a 45-year-old double amputee, died in his wheelchair after waiting for 34 hours in the waiting room of the Health Sciences Centre's emergency department in September 2008.
Hospital security tape shows Sinclair went to the triage desk and spoke to an aide before wheeling himself into the waiting room. That appears to have been his only interaction with staff.
An autopsy later determined he died as a result of a blood infection brought on by complications of a bladder infection, caused by a blocked catheter.
Manitoba's chief medical examiner Dr. Thambirajah Balachandra said the death could have been prevented if his catheter had been changed and his infection treated.