Family holds vigil for man attacked at Winnipeg bus shack
Miles Monias, 37, died in hospital after he was found beaten in Winnipeg April 10

The family of a man who died after being seriously beaten at a Winnipeg bus stop gathered at the site to say their goodbyes Friday.
Miles Monias died in hospital after he was attacked and found in downtown Winnipeg at Main Street and Pioneer Avenue April 10.

Monias's family and friends honoured him with a song, prayer and a birthday cake at the bus stop.
His father, Ron Monias, said his son died just hours before his 37th birthday.
Monias said his son had recently fallen on hard times. Miles and his girlfriend had broken up and he had been between homes for about three weeks.
"Miles had said, 'Use good memories of me to heal your heart,' and that's what I'm going to do," said Monias, who is from Garden Hill First Nation.
Ostamas's arrest brought the family some closure, Monias said.
"It's a start for our healing process," he told CBC earlier this week, adding he forgives his son's killer.
"It made me really sad for that person [Ostamas]. The first initial thoughts we had were to forgive this man."
The Monias family offered thanks to everyone who came in contact with their son at the Friday service — including the paramedics, doctors, nurses and Winnipeg police who all had a hand in trying to save Miles.