Cpl. Nathan Cirillo: fellow reservist's father reacts
Jim Stevenson's son, Branden, was best friends with Cpl. Nathan Cirillo
One Winnipeg man is calling the shooting in Ottawa this week that killed a Canadian reservist "a despicable and cowardly act.”

Stevenson tried to get a hold of his son to determine his whereabouts, but didn't hear back immediately.
After contacting a few Ottawa hospitals, Stevenson called the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders regiment in Hamilton and spoke to one of Branden's friends.
"I called the armouries in Hamilton and one of the younger guys is a friend of Branden's, told me he was okay and I asked how Nathan was,” said Stevenon. “That's when I knew.”
Stevenson said he will be travelling to Hamilton next week to be with his son Branden, and to attend the funeral of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.
"The army called me the other night and said that he was with his friends, he's in good hands, he's going to receive counselling, and they reassured all my questions that I had and I just, I told them to tell him that I love him, and that I look forward to seeing him."