Operation Vote: Come to our community block party!
Enjoy a free hot dog supper and get a chance to talk to your local candidates

Are you planning to vote on Monday, October 21? Do you know who you will vote for?
As part of our series "Operation Vote," we are putting voters first and that means finding ways to get you the information you need for election day.
Please join us at our block party for a FREE hot dog supper and a chance to ask questions and share your perspectives with federal candidates from the Winnipeg North riding.
When: Thursday, October 17, 2019 from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Where: 470 Selkirk Avenue, Winnipeg
Here are a few other things we have lined up for the block party:
- Healthy food hampers from Bear Clan Patrol.
- Hygiene kits for men and women from the North End Women's Resource Centre.
- Learn how to vote using the "vouching system" from Elections Canada.
- Talk to Indigenous Rock the Vote Winnipeg about how to get to the polls on election day.
- Sign up for healthy cooking classes at the North End Food Security Network.
What is Operation Vote?
Welcome to polling station 135. It's one of the lowest polling areas in the province and in 2015 only a third of people who live in these city blocks decided to get out and vote.
Over the next few weeks, we will be in the area — meeting the people who live there — to find out why Poll 135 has such low voter turnout. And we'll explore what it would take for some non-voters to mark an X on the federal election ballot. Here are our stories so far: