
Family of homicide victim marks birthday with vigil as death remains unsolved

Friends and family of homicide victim Brett Cadieux gathered Wednesday night on what would have been his 24th birthday, standing with photos and signs at the corner of Ellice Avenue and Empress Street to call attention to his unsolved death.

Brett Cadieux was shot to death near Ellice Avenue and Empress Street on March 12

Jennica Baker, Brett Cadieux's fiancée, holds his two-month-old son, who was born after Cadieux was shot to death on March 12. (Tyson Koschik/CBC)

Friends and family of homicide victim Brett Cadieux gathered Wednesday night on what would have been his 24th birthday, standing with photos and signs at the corner of Ellice Avenue and Empress Street to call attention to his unsolved death.

"We're trying to get justice for him. He's got a newborn baby that misses out, and my son would one day want justice for his dad," said Jennica Baker, Cadieux's fiancée, holding their two-month-old son.

Cadieux was found shot near Ellice and Empress at about 1:15 a.m. on March 12. It was the ninth homicide of 2019 in Winnipeg. 

In May, police released a traffic camera video of an SUV on Ellice early on March 12, asking the public for any information about it. Baker said she hasn't received any new information about the investigation since then. 

"There's not even a description of who shot my fiancé," she said.

The months since Cadieux's death have been hard on Baker and her family, she said.

"We've been going through a lot. We miss him lots. I have two other daughters that he was there for them, too. It's a big thing for them as well. Now he's just gone."

Brett Cadieux, 23, was shot and killed in the West End on March 12, 2019. (Kayla Bodman)

Police have said they are investigating the possibility that money problems could have played a role in the killing.

Cadieux was successfully sued for tens of thousands of dollars by the Bank of Nova Scotia and Karlo Trade Centre (better known as the Birchwood auto dealer).

His sister, Kayla Bodman, told CBC News in May that she doubts her brother's debts played a role, because most of the money he owed was to banks.

She believes her brother knew he was in danger, however, saying he was staying in a hotel at the time, possibly hiding from someone, although she didn't know whom.

In an email statement, Winnipeg Police Service said the case is "open and active" and therefore they would not be commenting further. 

There have been 26 homicides so far in 2019; three are still active police cases.