Jo Davies
Freelance contributor
Jo Davies is a freelance writer who enjoys rocking the boat on the regular. She is working on a collection of short stories about dating in middle-age, a topic with which she is intimately acquainted.
Latest from Jo Davies

First Person
My trip to a Winnipeg hospital turned into a medical 'gong show'
"You know things are going off the rails with Manitoba’s health care when the average emergency room wait time equals a round of golf," Jo Davies says, after waiting more than 38 hours for care at an urgent care centre in Winnipeg.
Canada -Manitoba |

Half of humanity navigates 'the change' but science still can't figure it out
Technically, it's just another stage of life, albeit one with more unpleasant surprises than Will Smith at the Oscars. Practically, menopause can be devastating to a woman's health and well-being, something of which I and my cohort are painfully aware.
Canada -Manitoba |

Big boys don't cry? Time to ditch outdated notions around masculinity, emotions and affection
In a world that has become increasingly stressful to navigate, our sons deserve no less emotional support and licence to be affectionate than our daughters, says Jo Davies.
Canada -Manitoba |

We're all in this lonely world together
Being alone when you want to be is fine. Being alone when you don't want to be is downright painful. In fact, scientists have only recently discovered how truly harmful it is.
Canada -Manitoba |

Not just blue: Postpartum depression is 'brutal' and it can hit anyone
Postpartum depression doesn’t care where you live or what you do to pay your bills, says Jo Davies, who has struggled herself with PPD. "Judging by the video I saw online yesterday" of Meghan Markle, she says, "it doesn’t even care if you’re married to a prince."
Canada -Manitoba |

Point of View
Nothing sweet about dangerous effects of our addiction to sugar
Kicking a sugar habit is tough, says Jo Davies — and she argues we need to stop sugar-coating the truth about the harmful effects of the sweet stuff.
Canada -Manitoba |

Nut behind the wheel: Other drivers provide examples to my sons — of what NOT to do
All three of my sons are now learning to drive, and I'll tell you, it's given a whole new meaning to the phrase "thrill of the open road."
Canada -Manitoba |

Bittersweet 16: Parenting teens makes baby-rearing seem like a cakewalk
Currently, my eldest son is 20 and his younger brothers are just 16, which means I've been parenting teenagers for nearly a decade. Like most things in life, I'm getting smarter at it.
Canada -Manitoba |

Why I'm cancelling my cable subscription
It’s like stepping off a cliff. My kids told me for months that I should do it, but it took me forever to work up the nerve, and I always found a reason to avoid it. I’ve done it now. I cancelled my cable television.
Canada -Manitoba |

Accentuate the positive: Why it's worth putting in the effort to see the bright side
'It's not all sunshine and roses out there,' says Jo Davies — but since 'a little negativity goes a long way' and there are health benefits to thinking positively, she offers a few tips to avoid being a 'Donnie Downer.'
Canada -Manitoba |