10-year-old girl gives 185 backpacks to Winnipeg's homeless
Callie Costello donates food, toiletries, supplies to those on the streets
After months of planning, collecting and sorting, one young Winnipeg girl’s dream to make a difference in the lives of the city’s homeless has come true.

Costello took it upon herself to put together and distribute 185 backpacks filled with supplies to homeless people in Winnipeg Thursday.
Tooth brushes, tooth paste, water, juice, granola bars, lotion, shaving and hair care products are among the necessities Costello acquired for the packs — products most people take for granted.
Costello said the idea came from a film. The young male protagonist, around Callie’s age, made similar backpacks and gave them out to those in need.
It inspired Costello to take action.
She begged her mother to let her help the homeless and started a Facebook page in January to ask people for donations.
Costello and her family organized drop-off points for donated goods through the Facebook page, but Callie said the backpacks were an equally important element of her plan.
“I had just recently lost mine so that is absolutely fantastic,” said Brian Hart, a homeless person who received one of Callie’s packs.
A crutch makes it almost impossible for Hart to carry an over the shoulder bag, so the brand new backpack will make it easier to carry things, he said.
“Ten-years-old, can you believe that? That just goes to show that young children understand a lot more than we think they do.”
Costello isn't done yet. Her goal is to keep giving to the homeless and try to reach the 500 backpack mark.