Kitchener-Waterloo·Waterloo Region Votes

Sandy Shantz re-elected as Woolwich Township mayor

Mayor Sandy Shantz has been re-elected in Woolwich Township after being challenged by Coun. Patrick Merlihan.

Shantz was challenged by Coun. Patrick Merlihan for mayor's seat

Portrait of woman
Sandy Shantz has been re-elected as mayor of Woolwich Township. (Kate Bueckert/CBC)

Sandy Shantz has been re-elected as mayor of Woolwich Township in Monday's municipal election.

Shantz was challenged by current Coun. Patrick Merlihan.

The results are unofficial until verified by the township clerk.

Woolwich Township council saw a contest for mayor and three council seats. 

Ward 1 

The two candidates elected in Ward 1 were:

  • Evan Burgess.
  • Nathan Cadeau.

There was no incumbent in this race as Coun. Scott McMillan did not seek re-election and Coun. Patrick Merlihan ran for mayor.

Ward 2

In Ward 2, Eric Schwindt was elected, beating incumbent Fred Redekop.

Ward 3

The two candidates elected in Ward 3 were:

  • Bonnie Bryant.
  • Kayla Grant.

Incumbent Murray Martin came fourth in the four-person race and current Coun. Larry Shantz did not seek re-election.