Uber, other ride-sharing services bylaw approved by Waterloo region
New vehicle for hire bylaw comes into effect in December
A year after it began its review, the Region of Waterloo has approved a new bylaw for taxis and taxi-type services.
- Uber, other ride-sharing services bylaw set for vote in Waterloo Region
- Regional vehicle-for-hire bylaw could regulate Uber, taxis and limos
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The new Vehicle for Hire bylaw now covers ride-hailing services like Uber and RideCo. It also sets out vehicle and driver requirements. All services must comply with the new bylaw in order to operate in the region.
The bylaw was approved at Wednesday night's meeting and it comes into effect Dec. 1.
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"Public input was clear, they wanted both options – they wanted choice," the region said in a release in June. "Drivers, owners and brokers will now have a similar license structure that achieves public safety and consumer protection."
The region has been reviewing the bylaw since August 2015.
Vehicle and driver regulations
All vehicles for hire will now have to be identified with two exterior decals that display the name or trademark of the taxi broker or vehicle booking company.
The decals will have to be at least 200 square cm in size – approximately the size of a standard business envelope – and staff will review the size and location requirements within 12 months.
Taxi companies must be able to provide a vehicle that is accessible, while other vehicle for hire companies like Uber and Lyft pay seven cents per ride, money that goes into a fund that is then paid out to taxi companies and Grand River Transit's Mobility Plus program.
All vehicles must also carry the proper insurance as laid out in the new bylaw.
Drivers will need real-time GPS but they will not need to install cameras in their vehicles – that decision is left up to the individual broker as a business decision.
The issue of in-vehicle CCTV will be reviewed over a 12-month period with a report back to the committee, regional staff said.
The region held several public consultation sessions to get feedback from residents.
Taxi drivers have argued it was unfair that ride-hailing businesses like Uber could operate unlicensed and unregulated in the Region of Waterloo while taxi drivers have to pay licensing fees and get police background checks.
- An earlier version of this story said drivers had to provide accessible vehicles. In fact only taxi companies are required to provide accessible vehicles. Other vehicle for hire companies, like Uber and Lyft, pay into a fund that gets dispersed among the taxi companies and Grand River Transit's Mobility Plus program.Jan 23, 2020 10:59 AM EST