'Stay tuned' for two-way, all-day GO to Kitchener plans, transportation minister says
Waterloo MPP Fife questioned future of plans to bring all-day, two-way GO to Kitchener

Waterloo MPP Catherine Fife wants to know when the province will deliver on two-way, all-day GO service between Toronto and the region.
Fife raised the issue during Question Period on Thursday. She asked Transportation Minister Jeff Yurek why GO transit wasn't mentioned in the government's recent fall economic statement.
"But what was there was a $1.4 billion cut to transit infrastructure spending, despite the fact that transit is an economic driver," Fife said.

Yurek responded by commending the work done by the Progressive Conservative MPPs for the region, Mike Harris in Kitchener-Conestoga and Amy Fee in Kitchener South-Hespeler.
"They've been strong advocates for improving GO transit across this province, particularly in the regions," Yurek said.
He said improving GO Transit is something the whole house agrees on.
"We need to get Ontario moving again and that's what we're going to be doing. Stay tuned. That's all I can tell the members opposite. Stay tuned," he said.
The region is hoping to see all-day, two-way service to Toronto by 2024.