Bored this summer? You're not alone. Listen to this
James Danckert, a professor of cognitive neuroscience at the University of Waterloo, explains both children and adults can face a summer slump and it's actually OK to feel bored.

If you feel more sluggish in the summer, you're not alone.
Summer boredom is a thing and it's not just for kids — adults can experience it as well.
James Danckert is a professor of cognitive neuroscience at the University of Waterloo. He says he doesn't have a "quick, magic fix" for boredom.
"Boredom is a lot like happiness," he said. "What makes you happy is very different than what makes me happy. What makes me bored is different than what makes you bored and what will get me out of it, what is the solution to my boredom, is different for me than it is for you."
He says you need to listen to what your boredom is telling you.
You can hear his interview on CBC Kitchener-Waterloo's The Morning Edition with host Craig Norris: