List of cancelled summer events in Waterloo region grows
Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge and Woolwich either cancel, postpone or offer virtual platform for events

The summer of 2020 in Waterloo region is going to be somewhat uneventful for people hoping to attend any of the many festivals traditionally on offer.
The cities of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo and Woolwich Township have either cancelled, postponed or are planning virtual events, including the annual Canada Day celebration.
"It's going to be a different year but don't be discouraged," said Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic in a news release.
"We'll continue to look at ways to bring events to you virtually this summer."
Kitchener's popular Ribfest at Victoria Park is being moved to September. While the Kultrun World Music Festival and Cruising on King will move online. Bluesfest, which takes place in August, is exploring ways it can safely host smaller scale performances downtown.
Kitchener Events
- Canada Day. City staff are working on an online event. Stay tuned for more details.
- Vegfest has been postponed and will be rescheduled. Details to come.
- Rockin' at Rockway has been cancelled and is expected to return in 2021.
- Cherry Festival has been cancelled and is expected to return in 2021.
- Cruising on King has been cancelled and is expected to return in 2021. The City will be hosting a virtual Cruise Week event. Stay tuned for details.
- Kultrun World Music Festival moving to an online format in 2020 and expected to return in 2021.
- Kitchener Ribfest tentatively re-scheduled for Sept. 25 to 27.
- Bridgeport Summer Music Series has been cancelled and is expected to return in 2021.
- Rock and Rumble is cancelled for 2020 and is expected to return in 2021.
- Downtown Cycling Race has been cancelled and is expected to return in 2021.
- Kitchener Blues Festival is exploring opportunities to present live blues in smaller downtown Kitchener venues in 2020.
- Healing of the Seven Generations has been cancelled and is expected to return in 2021.
- Kidspark, new online event coming. Stay tuned for details.
- Romanian Day has been cancelled and is expected to return in 2021.
The Township of Woolwich says it is cancelling all in-person arts and culture events.
The annual Canada Day festivities that normally take place at Gore Park in Elmira are not going ahead but township staff say they're working on an alternate virtual and in-home event.
Meanwhile, the City of Waterloo arts and culture team will be hosting special pop-up events, when permitted by public health guidelines.
Waterloo Events
- Canada Day celebration, July 1 — Waterloo Park West has been cancelled.
- Soap Opera, July 3, 10, 17, 24 — Waterloo Public Square have been cancelled.
- Author Afternoons, July 4, 11, 18, 25 — Visitor and Heritage information Centre have been cancelled.
- Summer Concert Series, July 5, 12, 19, 26 — Waterloo Park West have been cancelled.
- We-dance-day, July 8, 22, 29 — Waterloo Public Square have been cancelled.
- Movies in the Park July 9, 23 — Waterloo Park Bandshell have been cancelled.
- Campfire, July 15, Waterloo Public Square has been cancelled.
- Day of Play, July 26 — Waterloo Park Promenade has been cancelled.
- Duel/ Art Market, July 31 — Waterloo Public Square has been cancelled.
- Summer Concert Series, Aug. 2, 9 — Waterloo Park West have been cancelled.
- We-dance-day, Aug. 5,12,26 — Waterloo Public Square have been cancelled.
- Movies in the Park, Aug. 6, 20 — Waterloo Park Bandshell have been cancelled.
- Author Afternoons, Aug. 8, 15, 22, 29 — Visitor and Heritage Information Centre have been cancelled.
- Open Streets, Aug. 15 — Uptown Waterloo/ Willis Way has been cancelled.
- Campfire, Aug. 19 — Waterloo Public Square has been cancelled.
- Duel/ Art Market, Aug. 28 — Waterloo Public Square has been cancelled.
Stick to safety guidelines
The municipalities have to stick to the guidelines outlined by the provincial government.
Cambridge Mayor Kathryn McGarry says she's disappointed but the city can't afford to "slip backwards."
"Our summer events have always brought crowds from all across the region and province and truly showcase all that Cambridge has to offer," said McGarry in a news release.
"Suspending our large events and providing online alternatives, where possible, will ensure the public stays safe throughout the summer."
Events such as the Cambridge Scottish Festival, and Concerts in the Park have been cancelled by the city.
Cambridge Events
- Cambridge Celebration of the Arts will be an online event, details to be announced.
- Canada Day will be an online event, details to be announced.
- Concerts in the Park has been cancelled.
- Whimsical Wednesday — alternatives under review.
- Outdoor Movie Night has been cancelled.
- Cambridge Scottish Festival has been cancelled
- Cambridge Arts Festival will be an online event, details to be announced
- Hespeler Music Festival has been cancelled.