Coalition of Muslim Women organize events to celebrate Islamic Heritage Month
Events happening at Kitchener, Waterloo public libraries and at the Schneider Haus Museum

The Coalition of Muslim Women have organized several events throughout October in celebration of Islamic Heritage Month.
"Islamic heritage month is when we can be unapologetically Muslim and unapologetically Canadian," said Mifrah Abid, who is with the coalition and is also the coordinator of Together Against Islamophobia.
"Most people think of these as two separate identities, but I say they are not mutually exclusive. So it's a great time to be who you are."
The coalition partnered with the Kitchener Public Library (KPL) and the Waterloo Public Library (WPL) to host several virtual and in-person events that include guest speakers, lunch-and-learns and family story time, which celebrates Muslim stories and characters.
"Representation matters in everything," Abid said.
"Young children need to see themselves in the crafts they do and in the culture they abide, and it's not just for Muslim children. It's important for their peers also see them and understand them. That they are part of their celebrations."
The first event kicks off Wednesday night at the WPL with author Uzma Jalaluddin as she talks about her latest book, Hana Khan Carries On. The event is virtual and people can register through the library's website.
There is also a photo exhibition at the Schneider Haus Museum this month called UN/COVERINGS: Mennonite and Muslim Women's heads and Hearts.
The libraries will also be making books, movies and other materials that celebrate Muslim culture, history and authors available for the community.
Abid said she hopes the events will help bring the community closer.
"During Islamic Heritage Month, I hope people will take the time to get to know their Muslim neighbours, to know who we are," she said.
"There's not much difference. We're the same people underneath. I hope that will be the take away from Islamic History Month for most people."
October is Islamic History Month! <br>It is time to celebrate the rich narratives around Muslims and their culture. The Coalition of Muslim Women of KW (CMW) has partnered with several Waterloo region organizations to organize cultural events. See more at <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>