
Here's how to celebrate International Women's Day in Waterloo region

International Women's Day is a global day that acknowledges the role of women in social, economic, cultural and political spheres. It falls on Saturday, March 8 this year.

A women-centric market, a walk, and breakfasts galore are happening in the region

A raised purple fist of a woman with the symbol for female drawn into it
Raised purple fist of a woman for International Women's Day. March 8 marks a day for gender equality, independence, freedom, empowerment and activism for women rights. (Shutterstock)

There are many ways to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD) in Waterloo region this year, including attending a market for entrepreneurs, enjoying music and sitting down to a meal.

International Women's Day falls on Saturday, March 8 this year and serves as a global celebration of all women in social, economic, cultural and political fields. 

The day is also a reminder of issues surrounding gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence against women. 

The official International Women's Day website notes that this day has been around for over a century, beginning in 1911 with a gathering of over a million people. The day is not specific to any one country, group or organization but is recognized by many people across the globe. This year's theme is Accelerate Action.

Waterloo region is home to many events happening leading up to and on the day. Below is a list of some ways to celebrate the achievements of the women in the region and beyond. 

International Women's Day Market

Friday, 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

CIGI Campus, Waterloo

Waterloo Region Small Business Centre has partnered with the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario to create a market that features local women entrepreneurs. They're advertising a wide range of products and the opportunity to familiarize yourself with some of the women-owned businesses in the area. 

Register in advance to be entered into a draw.

2025 International Women's Day Celebration - Accelerate Action

Saturday, 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Cambridge City Hall

Soroptomist International of Cambridge is inviting everyone to meet up at Cambridge City Hall, grab a sign, and walk to the University of Waterloo School of Architecture, where keynote speaker Daryn Brito will give a speech and indoor festivities will take place. Water and a small snack will be provided. 

Attendees are encouraged to wear purple and bring donations of feminine hygiene products. Admission is free but there will be registration at city hall before beginning the walk. 

Femme Folks Fest 2025

March 8-16

Across Kitchener and Waterloo

This festival is a mix of events, performances and art pieces in venues across Kitchener and Waterloo. It was created in 2020 in response to data from the national Equity in Theatre Initiative, which aims to promote, platform and present femme works. 

The nine-day celebration presents over 25 new art pieces that can be found at Studio Theatre, Centre in the Square, Uptown Waterloo Visitor Centre, Upper Rotunda, Kitchener City Hall, InterArts Matrix Performance Space and the SDG Idea Factory. 

Details can be found here. 

International Women's Day Breakfast, Victoria Park

Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Victoria Park Pavilion

Waterloo Region Small Business Centre is also hosting an IWD breakfast. Tickets are free but there is currently a waitlist

International Women's Day Breakfast, Bingeman's

Friday, 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Bingeman's Embassy Room

The Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual breakfast for IWD in partnership with Karen Redman, chair of the region. It typically highlights important speakers in the community who champion women's achievements. Tickets appear to be sold out already, but there's a waitlist for registration in case of cancellations. 

2025 International Women's Day Brunch

Saturday, March 22 at 11 a.m.

Waterloo Regional Police Association and Recreation Centre

Waterloo Regional Labour Council is hosting a meal a little further away from the day itself. The day will include guest speaker Joan Minnery, games and a 50/50 draw and a raffle. 

Ticket prices start at $65 and range based on group size. Donations of feminine hygiene products are also welcome and will go to Monica Place. 

IWD 2025 - Accelerate Action: Agents of Change

Thursday, March 20 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Google Kitchener

Women in Communications and Technology have organized a panel discussion, local women business vendors, live music and an open mic in a community networking event to belatedly celebrate the day. 

Register here. 

International Women's Day Sound Journey

Saturday, 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Good Vibrations Rock Shop, Stratford

Ethereal Frequencies by Jess is bringing a unique soundscape experience to Stratford for IWD as a way to unwind and connect with people to celebrate the day. They're providing a yoga mat, blanket, pillow, bolster and eye mask to achieve maximum relaxation. 

Tickets are $36.48 and can be ordered online.