No charges in crash that killed Bettina Schuurmans of Elmira during tractor tour
'Something like that always has an effect on everyone involved,' RCMP Cpl. Rob King says

No charges will be laid in the crash that killed Bettina Schuurmans of Elmira.
In July 2018, Henk and Bettina Shuurmans were driving across the country on a John Deere tractor to promote supply-management in Canadian family farms.
They were three weeks into the tour on July 9 and just outside of Saskatoon when their tractor was hit by a semi-trailer truck. Bettina was killed in the crash, and Henk suffered severe injuries.
RCMP Corporal Rob King says while the Schuurmans were from out of town, the collision had an impact on the community where they were hit.
"They were profiled coming through Saskatchewan, many people knew what they were doing coming through here and what their purpose was. Absolutely, something like that always has an effect on everyone involved," he said.
Bettina's husband Henk later went on to finish the western portion of the tour to honour his wife with his two daughters by his side in a cow-spotted pickup truck. He also toured the eastern provinces in October.