Students at Conestoga College may get a transit U-Pass next fall
Students would save over $680 a year with U-pass compared to existing GRT Term Pass

Conestoga College students may after all get a universal Grand River Transit pass next fall.
The college held a referendum between Oct. 10 and 16 that saw a 93 per cent vote in favour of implementing the pass.
"We are proud to be taking impactful first steps toward affordable transit solutions for Conestoga students," Conestoga Students Inc. president Nelson Chukwuma said in a statement.
"Whether students are travelling to campus, jobs or simply enjoying an outing in the region, a U-Pass will greatly impact students' lives for the better."
The universal transit pass program would be the same one offered to Wilfrid Laurier and University of Waterloo students. The pass gives students unlimited rides on GRT and the ION at a reduced price.
Students would save over $680 a year with the U-Pass compared to the existing GRT Term Pass. The program at the college would be implemented through an ancillary fee on student invoices.
"Transit is a critical tool for making our region more affordable, sustainable and livable," said regional chair Karen Redman in a statement.
"With this vote, Conestoga College students have chosen to support an easy-to-use and unlimited transportation option to get around the community."
Students would be eligible for the pass next fall, as long as regional council ratifies it during the 2024 budget discussions.
- An earlier version of this story reported, based on a news release from Conestoga Students Inc., that a referendum on the U-Pass took place between Oct. 9 and 16. Conestoga Students Inc. has since clarified that the referendum took place between Oct. 10 and 16.Oct 24, 2023 2:01 PM EDT