Conestoga College lays off 119 part-time employees due to COVID-19

Conestoga College has announced it laid off 119 permanent part-time employees and support staff because of COVID-19.
The college says it is making "workforce adjustments" because of the pandemic. All facilities at the college's campuses have been closed to students, employees and visitors since mid-March.
"Facility closures and suspension of in-person services have left many of Conestoga's part-time employees with limited or no work," the college said in a release on Monday.
College president John Tibbits said the pandemic has impacted all aspects of the community and "Conestoga is no exception."
"Reducing staff levels to meet current operational needs is a necessary if difficult decision at this time," Tibbits said.
Most layoffs took effect on Friday while others will be effective on or before May 1, the college said.
Other measures the college has taken to save money during the pandemic include "deferring capital projects and freezing administrative salaries to suspending contracts for part-time casual and temporary employees," the release said.
Conestoga is also expecting "substantial enrolment declines" for the spring semester, which is set to begin on May 19, particularly because the college has a large number of international students who are not allowed to enter the country right now.