
Cambridge to study GO service feasibility

Cambridge city council has unanimously approved studying the feasibility of GO Transit service
Cambridge will study what it would cost to have GO Transit service on the Milton line.

Cambridge council has unanimously approved a staff recommendation to study the feasibility of expanding GO Transit service into the city.

"The project will involve us retaining a consultant to undertake the study and bring forward options to try and get something started to work towards a GO system in Cambridge," said George Elliott, commissioner of transportation and public works in Cambridge.

Elliott says once the study is finalized, and city staff has approval from Cambridge and regional councils, the city will then begin a discussion with Metrolinx and Milton.  

"The previous studies identified that there is a lack of capacity on the rail lines between Cambridge and Milton, but also the capacity of the GO service from Milton into Toronto is a concern," he said.

Elliott said the cost of expanding GO service is dependant on what upgrades to current infrastructure might be required, such as putting dual tracks into the Candian Pacific Railway line, adding a new terminal or parking lots.

"Whatever the solution is has vastly different implications on cost," said Elliott.

The transit supportive strategy also calls for the city to hire a transportation demand management coordinator. Elliott says if the position is filled in time, the individual will assist with the GO feasibility study.

Cambridge has allocated $50,000 to conduct the study. The city has also set aside $90,000 annually for three years to pay the salary of the transportation demand management coordinator.

Cambridge hopes to have the study completed by the end of 2013.