Kamloops high school counsellor weighs in on struggles faced by teens
Drugs, alcohol, stress, and peer pressure. Daybreak assembled a panel of teenagers to hear about the challenges they face; afterwards we received the perspective from a High School Counsellor.
Reaction from an adult in a teenage world - a high school counsellor - on the struggles faced by teens today

Last week on Daybreak we introduced you to our teen panel.
We had questions about drugs, school and stress, so we invited this trio into our studio to shed some light on the struggles of being a kid.
We talked about drugs and they assured us that kids are as freaked out about the fentanyl crisis as their parents are.
We talked about stress and school and how parents could do a better job of supporting teens.
This morning we have another point of view from Angela Lawrence, the counsellor for School District 73.
To listen to the full interview, click on the interview: Kamloops high school counsellor weighs in on struggles faced by teens.