Dangerous Routes- First-hand account of the life of a truck driver
Our Access Granted series takes us behind the wheel of a semi-truck, over some of BC's most dangerous roads
Our Access Granted series takes us behind the wheel of a semi-truck, over some of BC's most dangerous roads
Daybreak Kamloops · CBC News ·
The view from behind the wheel on Highway 99 near Lillooet (Samantha Garvey/CBC)
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We see them everyday.
Trucker Tim Wourms fills in his log book before hitting the early morning road (Samantha Garvey/CBC)
Big trucks.
Lumbering up hills, around corners. Manoevering through city streets.
And of course, ripping down our highways.
As part of Access Granted series, today we take you to the inside of a semi-truck.
Truck driver Tim Wourms behind the wheel (Samantha Garvey/CBC)
Truck driver, and driver consultant Tim Wourms has been on the road for 35 years.
From his view behind the wheel, he sees it all.
Even on a major BC highway, the road can be dangerous and require extra caution. The Fountain Reserve slide on Highway 99 near Lillooet is constantly undergoing maintenance and has been the site of many tragic accidents (Samantha Garvey/CBC)
Unsafe behaviours and practices.
Not only from everyday cars and commuters, but from the professional truck drivers themselves.
Mandatory stops at inspection stations (Samantha Garvey/CBC)
Daybreak's Samantha Garvey rode shotgun with Tim to find out more.
To hear the story, click the link: Access Granted- Life behind the wheel
CBC's Samantha Garvey rides to Lillooet with professional truck driver and consultant Tim Wourms (Samantha Garvey/CBC)