RHVP inquiry to hold next public hearing on July 7
Probe is examining road surface and report that identified issues but wasn't made public

The inquiry into the Red Hill Valley Parkway (RHVP) will hold its next public hearing on July 7.
During the 10 a.m. meeting, updates from the commission counsel and participants on their efforts to collect documents needed for the probe will be provided, according to a media release.
The inquiry was launched after the city revealed a 2013 Tradewind Scientific report that found the asphalt friction on some sections of the parkway fell well below UK safety standards, but was never shared with residents.
It focused on issues including the testing that was carried out, why results weren't made public and safety on the road.
Due to COVID-19 the number of people able to take part in-person is limited. Instead, participants are invited to use a live-stream that will be shared on the inquiry's website.
The pandemic has "understandably resulted in some delay" when it comes to document collection, however the release notes the inquiry can't start interviewing people of interest until all of the necessary information is gathered.
"The Inquiry continues to be actively engaged in the document collection and research phase," it explains, adding Justice Herman Wilton-Seigel has been "maintaining regular contact with participants, continuing to seek the production of documents for participants and non-participants, and engaging subject-matter experts to conduct research and analysis."