Hamilton has a new female falcon, sending hopes soaring for a brand new falcon family
McKeever was hatched on Windsor's Ambassador Bridge in 2019

There's a new female falcon in town.
The group that tracks the birds living at a downtown hotel confirmed the good news on Sunday evening.
"Hamilton Falconwatch officially welcomes McKeever to the Sheraton Hamilton nest," read a Facebook post from member Charles Gregory.
FalconWatch said the confirmation came after it was able to get photos of the bird's leg band and made sure they read it correctly.
"She comes to us from Windsor, Ontario, where she was hatched on the Ambassador Bridge in 2019," wrote Gregory. "She is named in honour of Kay McKeever of the Owl Foundation."
McKeever arrived after Lily, the previous female falcon, died just a week ago.
Pat Baker, a senior monitor with the FalconWatch, said after Lily's death that a falcon who appeared to be female seemingly took her place. That falcon is McKeever.
She sits atop the ledge with Judson, a male falcon who first showed up last year.
"This means that we have a four-year-old male and a three-year-old female - perfect ages for a breeding pair," Gregory wrote. "We have high hopes for seeing a nest full of chicks this summer."