Over 40 SoBi riders tour north Hamilton in group ride
Riders make journey from Catharine Street to the harbour on unseasonably warm Christmas Eve
On the warmest Christmas Eve in Hamilton in over half a century, Hamilton traded in toboggans for bikes to take part in an organized group ride on the city's bike share bikes.
More than 40 SoBi bike riders took part in the group ride today, touring north Hamilton from the downtown to the harbour.
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Riders gathered SoBi bikes from an office/storage space on Catharine Street and nearby hubs, then took off in small groups before reconvening on the corner of Mary Street and Cannon Street E. By the time the ride had started, the temperature had dropped and most riders were clad in winter jackets and tuques to prepare for the cold harbour winds.
Just a few of the more than 40 riders in <a href="https://twitter.com/SoBiHamilton">@SoBiHamilton</a> group ride today. <a href="https://t.co/RgYSfgTv1O">pic.twitter.com/RgYSfgTv1O</a>
Riding to the waterfront! <a href="https://twitter.com/SoBiHamilton">@SoBiHamilton</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ChristmasEveBikeRide?src=hash">#ChristmasEveBikeRide</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HamOnt?src=hash">#HamOnt</a> <a href="https://t.co/hhSVGwFrZx">pic.twitter.com/hhSVGwFrZx</a>
Riders then rode down Mary Street, past Eastwood arena before stopping as a group by the lake. There were solo riders, small groups, and even children on the backs of SoBi bikes, all taking in the sights of north Hamilton and posting their journey to social media.
40 people braved the extreme weather for the <a href="https://twitter.com/SoBiHamilton">@sobihamilton</a> group ride today! <a href="https://t.co/ivPBnJyyGc">pic.twitter.com/ivPBnJyyGc</a>