Kids not following the rules? OPP say that's no reason to call 911
Non-urgent 911 calls tie up police resources, according to the OPP

A disagreement between father and son about house rules, according to the OPP, isn't an emergency that requires a 911 call.
Provincial police in Norfolk County say officers responded to a 911 call on Jan. 17 around 7:53 p.m. after the caller hung up as soon as the dispatcher answered.
The dispatcher called the home back and was told police weren't needed, say police. When officers arrived to investigate they discovered the emergency number had been dialled during an argument about between father and son.
"The use of 9-1-1 is for police, fire or medical emergencies when someone's health, safety or property is in jeopardy or a crime is in progress," explained Const. Ed Sanchuk in a media release. "In an emergency every second counts! Dial 9-1-1."
The OPP in Norfolk County have responded to a long list of non-emergency 911 calls in the past month, including disagreements over what to watch on TV, a woman didn't want to stop playing video games and a mother who didn't like the friends her daughter was spending time with.
Police are asking people to call 1-888-310-1122 for non-emergencies as accidental or non-urgent calls to 911 tie up communications and take up the time of officers who could be responding to an actual emergency.