Ariel Fournier
Ariel Fournier is a reporter at CBC Edmonton. You can reach Ariel at ariel.fournier@cbc.ca.
Latest from Ariel Fournier

Now or Never
When this Alberta woman rolls up to the dog show, people notice
Marla Smith, a bipedal amputee who uses a power wheelchair, takes her service dogs to dog shows around the Prairies. Since losing the ability to walk she says that the dog show world has become a new-found passion, where she can compete in the same arena as non-disabled people.
Radio -Now Or Never |

A century ago, Black Edmontonians fought for the right to swim at public pools
In 1924, some Edmonton citizens lobbied successfully to overturn a city ordinance barring Black from swimming in the city’s newly built outdoor pools.
Canada -Edmonton |

Staff shortages keep operating rooms at High Prairie hospital closed for years
Patients in the northwest Alberta region of 15,000 people — including several First Nations and Métis Settlements — have to endure a 115-kilometre journey, at minimum, for emergency surgery or to deliver a baby in hospital.
Canada -Edmonton |

Pride Month a success for Alberta towns this year, despite an increase in backlash
As more communities embrace initiatives to mark Pride Month, councillors and LGBTQ support groups are troubled by signs of a growing backlash. The Alberta RCMP says reports of hate incidents were up this June compared to previous years.
Canada -Edmonton |

Faulty cables cause latest delay for Valley Line Southeast LRT project
TransEd crews doing testing on the Valley Line Southeast LRT found that oxidation had caused damage on signalling cables. The company says the cables need to be replaced before the line opens. After years of delay, the rail link between Mill Woods and downtown still doesn't have an opening date.
Canada -Edmonton |

'A sacred experience': Indigenous midwives revive birthing traditions to deliver babies at home
Kehewin Cree Nation in northern Alberta, and other First Nations across Canada, are breathing new life into thousands of years of birthing traditions by training Indigenous midwives so they can deliver babies in their communities.
Canada -Edmonton |

Operating room road trip: How rural Alberta hospitals are making space for urban doctors
A surgeon in Edmonton is operating on patients from the city in rural hospitals. Alberta is investing in similar initiatives to reduce ballooning wait times for surgeries.
Canada -Edmonton |

Alberta has 8 Métis settlements. None of them have full-time doctors
A decade after Alberta's Métis settlements formed a health board to address inequities in their communities, settlement leaders are hopeful that the province is committing more funding. But shortages of doctors, nurses and other health-care staff are creating roadblocks to providing care closer to home.
Canada -Edmonton |

Why are so many of Alberta's rural doctors from South Africa?
Lac La Biche has five doctors. All are from South Africa. Across Alberta, six out of every 100 physicians graduated from medical school in the African country.
Canada -Edmonton |

Long distance labour pains: In rural Alberta, giving birth can mean a road trip
The Lac La Biche hospital hasn't been able to support high-risk deliveries since last May, forcing some people to travel hours in an ambulance while in labour.
Canada -Edmonton |