Tune in to 'Trust Talks: A new era for public media'
CBC's Annual Public Meeting | Nov. 20

Join us for CBC's APM to hear from our leaders and public media executives from around the world on this topic, plus so much more.
Catch the premiere on our YouTube channel.
Tune in to hear public media leaders from around the world share their thoughts on the importance of trust and proximity in today's media landscape.
We will also take a look back at key milestones CBC/Radio-Canada has achieved this year across the country. Don't miss the exclusive retrospective interview with CBC president and CEO Catherine Tait.
Simultaneous translation will be provided in English and French, as well as in American Sign Language (ASL) and Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) interpretation. Closed captioning is also available when activated.
Watch it online on Nov. 20, at 5 p.m. AT / 5:30 p.m. NT.