Watch Mayor Naheed Nenshi eat toast branded with Canucks logo
Copious amounts of Wonder Bread expected to be consumed this week, says Calgary Eyeopener team
After Naheed Nenshi smugly munched on a piece unbuttered Wonder Bread branded with the Vancouver Canucks logo, he uttered these three magical words:
"Vancouver? You're toast."
The idea to capture Calgary's mayor chomping down on our current hockey rivals all started with a really bad Christmas present.
"My mother didn't realize the toaster only branded one logo," said Dave Waddell, a technician for the Calgary Eyeopener.
That logo belonged to the Vancouver Canucks.
Waddell — who is a proud [ahem, shameless] Edmonton Oilers fan — didn't know what to do with what he describes as "the worst Christmas present ever."
So he brought it to work and added it to the Calgary Eyeopener "junk shrine," a place where every CBC employee is welcome to toss joke gifts and any unwanted things mailed to us from publicists.

Full disclosure: The Calgary Eyeopener junk shrine has never been dusted.
The video was a co-production between CBC Calgary's news department and morning show, and has been offered to the Flames.