Early voting underway at 3 post-secondary schools in Calgary
Elections Canada set up extended service polls at MRU, Bow Valley College and U of C

Calgary voters who are studying or working at three of the city's post-secondary institutions are getting an early chance to cast their ballots in the federal election.
Under Elections Canada's vote on campus extended service polls program, voters can cast a special ballot from Oct. 5 to Oct. 9 at:
- University of Calgary's Hotel Alma.
- Mount Royal University at Wyckham House.
- Bow Valley College's ATB Hall.
These polls are mainly intended for students, but anyone who is on campus — such as faculty, staff and visitors — and is eligible to vote can do so, Elections Canada says.
Voters who are keen to have their say ahead of election day can also vote during advance polls from Oct. 11 to Oct. 14.
Click here to go to the Elections Canada site, where you can enter your postal code and find out where you can vote in the advance polls or on election day, Monday, Oct. 21.
Here's what you should bring:
- You'll need something that proves your identity and your current address. The easiest ID to bring is a driver's licence but any ID that's got your photo, name and address on it and has been issued by the federal government, the province or your municipality will do.
- If you don't have those, you can bring two other pieces of ID; both must have your name on it and one has to have your current address. This includes passports, blood donor cards, birth certificates, band memberships and dozens of other options, which you can find here.
- If you don't have any ID, you can get someone to vouch for you. But they must be able to prove their own identity and address.