Royal Tyrrell dino egg hunt draws young paleontologists
Hunt continues all day and is free with regular admission

It may not be Jurassic Park, but young paleontologists are getting a chance to hunt for dinosaur eggs again this Easter at the Royal Tyrrell Museum.
Dinosaur enthusiasts will be given a specimen sheet and have to track down all of the eggs hidden throughout the museum's galleries.
- Click the audio player below to listen to Earle Wiebe on All in a Weekend Montreal this morning.
"We've got the eggs hidden in Dinosaur Hall and as the people go through and looking for the dinosaurs, they will spot the eggs and record them on their sheet," said Earle Wiebe, the museum's science educator and the man behind the hunt.
"Dinosaur Hall is a large area where we've got about 40 different dinosaur skeletons on display, so they'll have their work cut out for them trying to find the different eggs."
At the end of the hunt, participants are rewarded with an Easter prize.
The hunt continues all day at the museum and is free with regular admission.