How Calgary shaped Paul Brandt's evolution from a 7-year-old 'word nerd' to a country music singer
Country music star takes us to Ranchman's, West Hillhurst Gospel Hall and the confluence of the Bow and Elbow

This story was first published on May 21, 2016
"Doesn't matter where I go
This place will always be my home
Yeah I've been Alberta Bound for all my life
And I'll be Alberta Bound until I die"
— Alberta Bound, by Paul Brandt
He's one of Canada's best known country music artists, and has won enough awards to weigh down a packhorse.
Paul Brandt was born in Calgary and grew up in the city and in Airdrie. This is the place that shaped him.
As part of Calgary at a Crossroads, we've been asking some of our city's better known folks to tour us around the parts of our city that matter the most to them.
- Bret Hart's Calgary: Famed pro wrestler tours most memorable places in his home town
- Catherine Ford's Calgary: A very personal view of our city
- Calgary Olympian Mark Tewksbury shows us his city
We hit the trails with Paul to see the most meaningful places for him.
From a church, to a bar, to the rivers: This is Paul Brandt's Calgary.
This is where Paul feels the roots of his music and a sense of community.
It's the place where he honed his craft trying out in music competitions — and got his first big break.
West Hillhurst Gospel Hall
A place of faith and song, where Paul first heard a profound spiritual message and learned to love the words he would eventually turn into songs.
Confluence of the Bow and Elbow rivers
This is the heart and soul of Calgary, says Paul.
It's a place he comes to reflect on our pioneer spirit and how the 2013 flood brought out the best in the city, when we joined together as Albertans.
Calgary at a Crossroads is CBC Calgary's special focus on life in our city during the downturn. A look at Calgary's culture, identity and what it means to be Calgarian. Read more stories from the series at Calgary at a Crossroads.