Two women stretched thin share what they've learned caring for loved ones in Alberta
'Your oxygen first.... There's a reason they say it on the planes, and it applies in real life'

Karen Cuthbertson and Julianna Barabas have both been worn down by the demands of trying to support those they love.
One cares for a family member who lives in their home, the other tries to helpby long distance. But the emotional burden is similar, the guilt and the love.
"Your oxygen first.… There's a reason they say it on the planes, and it applies in real life," says Barabas. "You really do have to remember that if you break down, it's not just you. You want to be there for the person you're caring for, and if you collapse, it doesn't serve anyone."
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Giving care
The CBC team in Alberta is focusing this month on family caregivers — the husbands, wives, children and others who take on care of loved ones. Follow the news and First Person stories at