Lethbridge police issue tickets during Hells Angels gathering, Street Machine event
Officers monitored both events as they took place over the weekend

The Lethbridge Police Service issued 194 tickets and made a dozen arrests in response to a couple of events that brought an influx of people and vehicles into the southern Alberta city over the weekend.
One was a gathering of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang and its supporters, who were in town to celebrate the opening of a new Lethbridge clubhouse. The other was the annual Street Machine Weekend, a celebration of cars and car culture.
Police monitoring of the Street Machine event resulted in 10 arrests, and a further two people were arrested at the Hells Angels gathering, according to a news release issued Monday
Police issued 154 tickets, mostly for stunting and equipment violations, at the Street Machine event, while 40 tickets, most for careless driving, speeding and failing to stop at stop signs or red lights, were written in relation to the Hells Angels gathering.
Five impaired drivers were removed from the road and two roadside sanctions were given to drivers with a blood-alcohol level above .05 at the Street Machine event.
Fifty Hells Angels gang members or their associates were removed from licensed establishments under the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act.
"Police would like to acknowledge the vast majority of participants and spectators in various events held throughout the weekend acted responsibly and safely," says the release.