'Like to prove them wrong': Green thumb grows tropical fruit in Calgary home
Her partner likes pineapples only from Hawaii, so Lindsay Struthers went to work

Nobody puts Lindsay Struthers in a corner, especially if it comes with the most unwelcome advice of what she can or cannot grow.
"People say you can't grow it, so I just like to prove them wrong," Struthers told the Calgary Eyeopener in a Wednesday interview.
In about two years from seed to harvest, the Calgary woman says maternal instincts grew from her pineapple-growing project.
"I had been nursing it for a long time, and my husband was like, 'Yeah, I think you need to harvest it, Babe,' Struthers recalled.
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The prickly produce had a modest beginning.
"I started growing it by cutting a top off of a pineapple I bought at a Co-op. You flick all the old fruit left over and pick some of the leaves off and you stick it in a cup of water," she explained.
"It rooted and then I put it in a pot. I did have to transplant it in the summer."
Two years in a south-facing bay window and the tropical fruit — which Struthers named Spiky Beast — was good to go.
She harvested it on the weekend and a related social media post took off with thousands of engagements.
"Can you please give me an idea of how long this took," one reader asked. "I have four pineapples growing in my house. One is five years old. None have flowered."
Struthers said her partner was happy with the juicy conclusion.
"My husband has been to Hawaii. He said it was like eating a fresh pineapple from Hawaii," she said with a laugh.
"He won't eat the ones from the grocery store because they don't really have any flavour."
This green thumb isn't changing colour any time soon.
"I regularly see what I can grow from the grocery store — a pepper seed or a pomegranate seed or a grapefruit seed."
And she's currently got a Cuban avocado on her radar.
"They are way bigger."