Humanitarian organization says 13 Canadians detained in Ethiopia back home
Volunteers were in custody on allegations they were practising medicine without permission

An Alberta-based humanitarian organization says 13 Canadians who were detained in Ethiopia have returned to Canada.
Canadian Humanitarian says in a statement on its website that it is thrilled to see the 10 volunteers and three staff reunited with their loved ones.
The group and two Ethiopian staff members were in custody in Ethiopia on allegations they were practising medicine without permission and had dispensed expired medication.
The charity has disputed the allegations.
The group was released on bail March 4, but Canadian Humanitarian wasn't sure whether the Canadians would be able to leave the African country.
Canadian Humanitarian says in the statement that there are elements of the court file that need to be completed, and it has no further information.
The organization out of Medicine Hat, Alta., is described as a registered charity that has been sending volunteers abroad to provide medical and dental support, along with other humanitarian services, since 2003.