Calgary fire crews battle blaze at abandoned warehouse
CTrain service along Seventh Avenue disrupted

Emergency crews battled a fire at an abandoned warehouse in Calgary's East Village early Wednesday morning.
The fire at the 400 block of Seventh Avenue S.E. in East Village was reported just after 3 a.m., the fire department said in a release.
Crews at first entered the building to fight the fire from the inside, but then changed tactics for safety reasons.

"Upon interior conditions changing, crews exited and worked hard to extinguish the flames and protect exposures from a defensive position," the release said.
The fire was brought under control by about 6:30 a.m. with crews remaining to put out hot spots, said Battalion Chief Bruce Barrs.
<a href="">#Fire</a> in <a href="">#downtownCalgary</a> this morning. Fire crews are working hard to contain the <a href="">#blaze</a>. Smoke is making it difficult to breathe. Stay safe everyone! <a href="">#YYC</a> <a href="">#Calgary</a> <a href=""></a>
No injuries were reported.
Investigators are on scene to try to determine the cause of the fire.
CTrain service between the Bridgeland/Memorial Station and City Hall Station was disrupted. Shuttle buses were brought in while the area was cordoned off, Calgary Transit says.