Still waiting for July electricity rebate? Here's why
Timing of rebate depends on customer's billing cycle, province says

Many Albertans will be opening their July electricity bills with, if not anticipation, then at least a bit less trepidation than in previous months.
The province's electricity rebate program kicks off this month and runs through to the end of the year. About 1.9 million homes, farms and small businesses can expect a $50 credit on each of their electricity bills for July through December, to a total of $300.
But if you're still waiting, that's because the exact timing of the credit depends on a customer's specific billing cycle, the province says.
Another point of clarity: The July credit refers to July energy usage — not necessarily the bill a person receives in July.
For example, if you were billed this month for the energy you used in June, you won't receive your credit until later, once July consumption is reflected on the bill.
If you've received a bill that reflects July consumption — but still no credit — the province says you can call or email the Utilities Consumer Advocate.
The credit should appear on the bill as the "GOA Utility Commodity Rebate."
Albertans who have consumed electricity within the past calendar year, up to a maximum of 250 megawatt hours per year, are eligible for the rebates, which are automatically applied to consumers' bills.
The rebate applies whether an individual is connected to a regulated rate or a competitive price company.