Calgary city council votes to ban booze from city hall
Council also approved to create integrity commissioner position to deal with complaints made about members

City council has essentially banned liquor from city hall, and put council members on notice to keep their drinking to a minimum while on the job.
Today, councillors approved a policy that prohibits them from drinking alcohol at work.
The move comes just weeks after complaints about wild parties at city hall and the mayor saying he's received public complaints about councillors getting "blotto" at community events.
Mayor Naheed Nenshi says the new rules are in line with Calgarians' expectations.
Besides special events, Nenshi says booze is forbidden at city hall, mirroring the policy in place for all city employees.
An exception was made if councillors are hosting city functions, however Nenshi says the new expectation is that if they are there for work, they must be "fit for duty."
Coun. Jim Stevenson, rankled by recent allegations of alcohol use that several councillors say have tarred all of them, could not support any of the changes.
"I'm disappointed that we went down this road and made a mountain out of a molehill," he said. "That's my opinion and I'll be voting against the whole thing because of it."
Council also voted overwhelmingly to create the new position of integrity commissioner.
The integrity commissioner would be independent of city council and would investigate any future allegations of misconduct by elected officials.