Hundreds of Alberta doctors, 3 major health-care unions join calls for 'circuit-breaker' targeted lockdown
New measures set to be announced at chief medical officer's news conference on Thursday

Read the latest on this story | Alberta restricts recreational sports, bar hours to contain COVID-19 surge
A group of more than 430 Alberta physicians and three major health-care unions will send a letter to Premier Jason Kenney Thursday endorsing the idea of a "circuit-breaker" targeted lockdown as cases of COVID-19 continue to surge in the province.
"There is no more time. We have to act now," said Dr. Tehseen Ladha, who co-authored the letter. "We need something strong and mandatory in order to bend the curve."
- You can read the full letter at the bottom of this story
The letter arrived the same day Alberta's government introduced further restrictions.
Premier Jason Kenney and Alberta's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, suspended group fitness, team sports and group performance activities, and reduced operating hours for bars and pubs.
Thursday's letter also comes on the heels of a separate letter signed by more than 70 physicians earlier this week, which warned that the province's acute-care system could be overburdened if strict restrictions weren't implemented.
The province reported 860 new cases Thursday and now has record 8,305 active cases.
On Thursday, the province reported 225 people were in hospital, with 51 of them in intensive care.
Doctors warn of health system crisis
In the letter, the signatories say they feel it is their duty to warn of the "impending health system crisis" resulting from the spread of COVID-19 in Alberta.
"We have reached a juncture where only strong and decisive mandatory measures can prevent our hospitals from becoming overwhelmed," the letter reads.
Those measures, which the letter says should be time-limited, include:
- Directives to work from home for those who are able.
- The limiting of contacts to those within the household or a support bubble.
- Restrictions on group recreation and sports activities.
- The suspension of group indoor activities, including indoor dining, bars, casinos, religious services and theatres.
Schools should be kept open for in-person learning, the letter says, "due to their vital importance."
- WATCH | As cases surge, provinces are implementing short, sharp circuit-breaker lockdowns:
Ladha said the group is not calling for the closure of retail businesses given that there's little evidence of the virus spreading in such settings.
The letter goes on to cite Alberta's rise in cases, high levels of test positivity and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions.
"Even if transmissions drop today, hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths will continue to rise for weeks as current infections progress," the letter reads.
Circuit-breaker targeted lockdown
In the view of the doctors, a circuit-breaker targeted lockdown would consist of strict, time-limited measures that would help prevent a complete lockdown should the health system become overwhelmed.
"The time for incremental measures has passed, and voluntary measures, requested October 9, have not blunted the rise in cases," the letter reads. "Our testing system is strained, and contact tracing [capabilities] have collapsed.
"We see no other way to break chains of transmission and decrease cases, than to implement a 'circuit breaker' of short, strict measures."

Last week, Kenney asked Albertans to stop hosting parties and social gatherings in their homes but did not impose mandatory restrictions.
"We're not going to be sending out police to monitor this," Kenney said. "As much as what we've done, this is appealing to people to exercise personal and collective responsibility, so that we can avoid having to use more stringent measures."
The letter released Thursday indicates it recognizes that suggested restrictions under a circuit-breaker lockdown would also present their own harms, and urges the government to provide support to impacted businesses.
"The evolving evidence suggests that strong, time-limited measures will not only minimize the second wave but could prevent the need for the complete lockdowns that become inevitable when the health system becomes overwhelmed," the letter reads.
"A failure to control COVID-19 spread means we cannot expect our economy to recover quickly or strongly."
WATCH | Infectious disease specialist's growing concern over Alberta hospitalizations:
3 health-care unions endorse letter
Ladha said the letter had also been endorsed by the United Nurses of Alberta, the Health Sciences Association of Alberta and the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE), which together represent more than 100,000 health-care workers.
"We think it's imperative that action is taken now," said Heather Smith, president of the United Nurses of Alberta. "We think it would be a responsible thing, for the premier to show leadership."
Ladha said part of the purpose of the letter is to get the word out to the public.
"The majority of people that actually work in the health-care system that are seeing these numbers, that are seeing the strain that we're under in the hospitals, know that this is an impending crisis," she said.
Susan Slade, vice president of the AUPE, said her union is increasingly concerned about the health and safety of its members.
"The system was already strained before the pandemic and it could actually collapse if the cases keep peaking," she said. "Two weeks from now, it might be too late. It's time for them to act now."
Slade said there are currently 38 work sites with AUPE members that have outbreaks.

At Monday's press conference, Hinshaw said the idea of a circuit-breaker lockdown was an interesting one, adding the province would continue to consider all its options.
"We need to look at all options on the table … including what we're doing now, which is giving Albertans every opportunity to walk along with us, to come alongside and be a part of the solution before we impose restrictions," she said.
The full text of the letter:
November 12, 2020
The Honourable Jason Kenney MLA
Premier, Province of Alberta
Office of the Premier
307 Legislature Building
10800-97 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6
CC Honourable Tyler Shandro MLA, Minister for Health; Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health
Dear Premier Kenney,
As health-care workers we feel it is our duty to warn of the impending health system crisis resulting from the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19 in Alberta. We have reached a juncture where only strong and decisive mandatory measures can prevent our hospitals from becoming overwhelmed.
We therefore urge the Government of Alberta to institute a set of time-limited public health restrictions that would consist of:
Directives to work from home for anyone who is able.
Limiting contacts to those within the household or support bubble.
Restrictions on group recreation/sports activities.
Suspension of group indoor activities (including indoor dining, bars, casinos, religious services, and theatres).
Due to their vital importance, we should aim to keep schools open for in-person learning options.
We are seeing an exponential rise in cases, high levels of test positivity, and already have almost double the number of hospitalizations seen in the first wave. Intensive care unit admissions and deaths have also increased markedly in the past week. Even if transmissions drop today, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths will continue to rise for weeks as current infections progress.
There are outbreaks in at least nine acute care hospitals, endangering vulnerable patients and resulting in bed and staffing shortages. As staff become ill or must quarantine, we do not have appropriately qualified individuals to fill their roles. Outbreaks in care facilities are also worsening bed shortages in hospitals as patients cannot return to their care facility where there is an outbreak.
The Edmonton zone has already deferred 30 per cent of non-urgent surgeries to account for the burdens on the health system. More delays of foundational health services (surgeries, cancer screenings, and diagnostics) will be imminent and will be severely consequential if we do not act now.
We have witnessed how quickly hospitals in Winnipeg, the United States, Belgium, and Austria have become overwhelmed. The time for incremental measures has passed, and voluntary measures, requested October 9, have not blunted the rise in cases. Our testing system is strained, and contact tracing capacities have collapsed. We see no other way to break chains of transmission and decrease cases, than to implement a "circuit breaker" of short, strict measures. Similar restrictions have been recently implemented in Winnipeg, Toronto, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
We recognize that these restrictions have their own harms, and we would urge the government to provide supports for businesses impacted by these restrictions. The evolving evidence suggests that strong, time-limited measures will not only minimize the second wave but could prevent the need for the complete lockdowns that become inevitable when the health system becomes overwhelmed. A failure to control COVID-19 spread means we cannot expect our economy to recover quickly or strongly.
We are proud of Alberta's health system and the quality of care we provide, but we believe that it is in grave jeopardy unless urgent action is taken. Please help us continue to care for the people of Alberta safely.
- Leyla Asadi, MD, MPH, FRCPC (Infectious Diseases)
- Tehseen Ladha, MD, MPH, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Christine Gibson, MD, CFFP (PC), FCFP, MMedEd (Family Medicine)
- Amy Tan, MD, MSc, CCFP (PC), FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Joe Vipond, MD, FRCPC (Emergency Medicine)
- Lynora Saxinger, MD, FRCPC, CTrop Med (Infectious Diseases)
- Guy Smith, President of AUPE, on behalf of 58,000 members of AUPE (Alberta Union of Public Employees)
- Heather Smith, President of UNA, on behalf of 30,000 members of UNA (United Nurses of Alberta)
- Mike Parker, President of HSAA, on behalf of 27,000 members of HSAA (Health Sciences Association of Alberta - Union of Healthcare Professionals)
See attached for remaining 429 physician signatories :
- Erika MacIntyre, MD (Respirology, Internal Medicine, and Critical Care) Arnold Voth MD, LMCC, FRCP(C), FACP (Internal Medicine)
- Annick Poirier MD FRCSC (Urogynecology)
- Gary Samycia, MD, CCFP, (Family Practice)
- Rachelle Westover, MD, CCFP EM (Emergency Medicine)
- Anne Draginda M.D., C.C.F.P. (Family Medicine)
- Andrea Robb MD FRCPC (Pediatric Emergency Medicine)
- Adam Parrish MD (Family Medicine, Long Term Care)
- Kitty Chan, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Ranjeeta Gounden, MD MBBS, CCFP, COE (Geriatric physician)
- Anthea Peters, MD, FRCPC (Hematology)
- Sam Stetsko, MD, FRCPC (Anesthesiology)
- Joanne Tseng, MD, CCFP(EM) (Emergency Medicine)
- Lauren Eastman, MD, CCFP
- Patricia Verones MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Naureen Kasamali, MD, FRCPC (Psychiatry)
- Cara Bablitz, MD, CCFP
- Tanya Spence, RN MN, (Pediatric ICU)
- Andrew Swinton, MD, FCFP (Family Physician)
- Rahim Samji, MD (Interventional Radiology)
- Amir Pakdel, MD, PhD (Radiology)
- Teresa Eliasson MD FRCPC (Anesthesiology)
- Mary Noseworthy, MD, FRCPC (Pediatric Respirology)
- Tomasz Nowacki, MD, FRCPC (Neurology)
- Tessa Penrod, MD CCFP FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Martin Moran, MD (Family Medicine)
- Ellise Morley, MD (Family Physician)
- Erin Kelly, MD, FRCSC (OBGYN)
- Marlene Hamilton BSc, MD, FRCPC (Hematology)
- Laurie Elizabeth Mereu, MD FRCPC (Endocrinology)
- Hilda Morales, MD, CCFP
- Sally Berg, MD, FRCPC (Psychiatry)
- Ashley Gilson, MD, FRCPC (Pulmonary)
- Marilyn Zeman, MD, FRCPC (General Internal Medina)
- Timothy Chan, MD, FRCPC (General Internal Medicine)
- Greg Hrynchyshyn MD FRCPC (Internal Medicine)
- William Hnydyk MD MCFP CCPE (Family Medicine)
- Jennifer F.W. Yue, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Manisha Khurana, MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine Care of the Elderly) Jayan Nagendran MD, PhD, FRCSC (Surgical Director of Lung Transplantation and Director of Research, Division of Cardiac Surgery)
- Kim Anderson-Hill, MD, CCFP (Family medicine)
- M. Wasif Hussain, MD, FRCPC (Neurology)
- Tarini Siva, MD, CCFP
- Leah Remington, MD, MSc, FRCPC (Infectious Diseases)
- Lillian Lim, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Barbara Fischer, MD, CCFP
- Prenilla Naidu, MD, DTM&H, FRCPC (Medical Microbiology) Rshmi Khurana, MD, FRCPC (General Internal Medicine)
- Krista Piebiak Patterson, MD, CCFP
- Andrea Freitas, MD, CCFP
- Erica Dance MD, FRCPC, DABEM (Emergency Medicine)
- Alexandra Rydz, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Sheila Murji, MD, FRCPC (Radiology)
- Andrea Milne-Epp, MD, CCFP
- Shazma Mithani, MD, FRCPC (Emergency Medicine)
- George Cembrowski, MD, FCAP (Pathology)
- Jennine Wismark, BSc., MD, CCFP, (Family Medicine)
- Timothy G. Muzyka Bsc(Hon) MD FRCPC (Cardiology)
- Nadia Giannakopoulos, MD PhD DABP (Anatomical Pathology) Ade Aderibigbe, MB:BS, CCFP, ACBOM (Family Medicine) Amanda Kim, MD, FRCS(C) (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
- Tien Yen, MD FRCPC (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Cathy Horsman BSc(Med), MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine) Nancy Zhu, MD, FRCPC (Hematology)
- Ian Sutanto, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Kathleen Crawford MD, CCFP (Emergency Medicine)
- Ariane Fielding, MD FRCPC (Anesthesiology)
- Carla Laidlaw, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Katarzyna Kycia, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Joel Berube MD FRCPC (Cardiac Anesthesiology)
- Jill Konkin, MD (Family Physician)
- Alan Brilz, MD, CFPC (Family Medicine)
- Simon Turner MD MEd FRCSC (Thoracic Surgery)
- Indra Dhunnoo, MBChB, MD, FRCP ( Pediatrics)
- Diana Rucker, MSc, MD, FRCPC
- Lillian Chan, MD, FRCPC (Internal Medicine)
- Seema Bhanji, MBBS, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Jason Long MD FRCPC (Psychiatry)
- Colleen Sweeney, MD, CCFP-EM (Emergency Medicine)
- Ashley Gillson, MD, FRCPC (Respirology)
- M. Allison Theman BMSC, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine) Hyun Ju Sung, MD, CCFP
- Alison Clifford, MD, FRCPC (Rheumatology)
- Cora Constantinescu, MD, FRCPC (Infectious Diseases)
- Cassandra Hirt-Walsh MD FRCSC (Obstetrics and Gynecology) Mari-Lynn Thomson, MD, LLB (Family Medicine)
- Michael J. Kim, MD FRCSC, FACS (Trauma, Acute Care Surgery, Critical Care) Lillian Au, MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Ameeta Singh, BMBS, MSc, FRCPC (Infectious Diseases)
- Michael Poitras, MD CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Bodh I. Jugdutt, MD, MSc, DM, FRCPC, FACC, FACP, FAHA, FESC, FIACS (Medicine/Cardiology)
- Shirley Schipper, MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Jennifer Jin, MD, FRCPC (Gastroenterology)
- Dianna Wang, MD, FRCPC
- Carol D. Connick, MD, CCFP, (Family Doctor and Hospitalist) Sophia Pin MD, FRCPC (Gynecologic Oncology)
- Sandi C. Frank, MD, FRCP(C) (Psychiatry)
- Samantha Horvey, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Nicolaos Lakis, MD, FFRad (Diagnostic Radiology)
- Peter Newnham MD CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Bailey Adams MD CCFP (Family Practice)
- Peter Hamilton MD,FRCPC,FACP (Internal Medicine)
- Amber Reichert, MD, FRCPC (Neonatology)
- Susan Bates, MD (Diagnostic Radiology)
- Mark Hnatiuk, MD, FRCPC (Hematology)
- Narmin Kassam, MD, MHPE, FRCPC, FACP (General Internal Medicine) Martin Tieu, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Jaime C. Yu, MD, MEd, FRCPC (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Jose Fernandez de Lara Nieto, MD, CCFP, FRCSC (Obstetrics and Gynecology) Lesia R. Boychuk, MD, FRCPC (Infectious Diseases)
- Jeffery M Patterson, MD, FRCPC (Oncology)
- Samina Ali MD, FRCPc (Pediatric Emergency Medicine)
- Jen Riess, MD, CCFP (Family Physician)
- Adam Burgess, MD, CFPC (Family Medicine)
- Ian M. MacDonald, MD, CM, FRCSC, FCCMG, FCAHS (Ophthalmology) Lovneet Hayer MD, FRCPC (Psychiatry)
- Stephen Kwan, MD FRCS(C) (Othropaedic Surgeon)
- Pablo Amigo, MD, MCFPC. (Palliative Medicine)
- Shelina Jamal MD FRCPC (Pediatric Critical Care Physician) Alexandra McFarlane, MD, FRCPC (Infectious Diseases)
- Ernst Schuster, MD, CCFP, FCFP, CCPE (Family Medicine)
- Linda Sun, MD, MHSc, FRCPC (Hematology)
- Jennifer Chan, MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Omor F Bhuiyan, MBBS (General Practice)
- Antoine Seguin, MD, CCFP(EM), (Emergency Medicine) Hubert Kammerer MD CCFP FCFP (Geriatrics)
- Shona MacLachlan MD, FRCPC (Emergency Medicine) Arabesque Parker MD FRCPC MSc QIPS (Critical Care and Hematology) Amanda Hogg, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Allison Thiele, MD, FRCSC (Maternal Fetal Medicine)
- Angela Currie, MD, FRCPC (Physiatry)
- Fraser Brenneis MD CCFP FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Isabelle Chapados MD MSc FRCPC (Paediatrics, CIP, Endocrinology) Joanne Norum, MD, FRCPC (Emergency Medicine)
- Anneliese Kohler, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Sabin Shurraw, MD, FRCPC (Internal Medicine)
- Marlene Dytoc, MD FRCPC (Dermatology)
- Erin Chapman, MD, FRCPC (Anatomic Pathology)
- Elena Kumar, MD CCFP (COE) (Family Medicine)
- Faruqa Ladha, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Alice Bedard BSc, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Katherine Kasha, MD, CFPC, FCFP (Family Medicine) Krishna Balachandra MD FRCPC (Addiction Medicine) Jean A.C.Triscott, MD (Family Medicine)
- Hajira Danial, MD, FRCSC
- Emily Gawley MD, CCFP EM (Emergency Medicine)
- Catherine Otto BSc, MD FCFP COE diploma (Family Medicine) Margaret Schaffter, MD (Family Practice)
- Arlene Kanigan MD, FRCPC (Pediatric Radiologist)
- Susan Lea-Makenny, MD, CCFP, FCFP, ICD.D (Family Medicine) Marielle Pratt, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Aatif Hussain MBBS, FRCPC (Geriatric Medicine)
- Grant Sigurdson, MD, FRCPC (General Pathology)
- Terry M. Olsen, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine/ Hospitalist) Rhona Capisonda, MD (Pediatrics)
- Amanda Aiken, MD, FRCSC (Obstetrics and Gynecology) Bobbi-Jo Whitfield, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Christopher Ewing, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics and Pediatric Respirology) Leslie Preston, Bsc, MD , CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Niels-Erik Jacobsen, MD, FRCSC (Urologic Surgery)
- Colin Muscat, MD, CCFP EM (Emergency Medicine)
- Madelene Kellerman MBChB, MMED(Psych) (Psychiatry) Tanya Tran MD CCFP FCPC (Hospital Medicine)
- Brian Wirzba, MD, FRCPC, FACP (General Internal Medicine) Derek Bochinski, MD, FRCSC (Urological Surgery)
- Jane Schulz, MD, FRCSC
- Loree Larratt (Clinical Hematology)
- Michael Bowman, MD, FRCPC (Pediatric Infectious Diseases) Tammy McNab MD FRCP(C) (Endocrinology and Metabolism) Ginetta Salvalaggio, MD, MSc, CCFP(AM), FCFP (Family Medicine) Jennifer Andruchow, MD, FRCSC (General Surgery)
- Sneha Suresh, MD, FRCPC (Pediatric Immunology and Infectious Disease) Rajive Jassal MD FRCP CSCN Diplomate (EMG) (Neurology) Amy Borkent, MD (General Practice)
- Andrew Chung, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Marlene Dytoc, MD, FRCPC (Dermatology)
- Cassandra Millar, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Joanne Caulfield MD CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Katherine Li, MD, CCFP
- Saeed Ahmadinejad, MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine Care of the Elderly) Dale Lien, MD, FRCP (Pulmonology)
- Marta Kozlowska, MD, CCFP
- Sarah Burton-MacLeod MD CCFP(PC) (Palliative Care)
- Peter Ao, MD, FRCPC (Internal Medicine)
- Neal Chatterjee, MD CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Julia Drager, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Sudhakar Sivapalan, MD, FRCPC, MSc (Psychiatry)
- Manishi Khatter MD CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Surita Sidhu, MD, FRCPC (Anesthesiology)
- Jennifer Tse, BMSc, MD, CCFP, FRCPC (Anesthesiologist)
- Jeff Shmoorkoff BSc, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine, Obstetrics, Family Planning) Marjan Abbasi, MD CCFP CAC (COE) FCFP (Family Medicine) Rebecca Saunders, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Helen Bowden, MD (Retired)
- Cindy Lee, MD, CCFP
- Sarah Grant MD CCFP (Family Medicine- Rural)
- Elysia Ma, MD, CCFP
- Stefan Slomp, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics, Pediatric Emergency Medicine) M. Jahandardoost, MD, FRCPC, FACP (Internal and Geriatric Medicine) Errol Raff, MBChB, FRCP(C) (Internal medicine)
- Jaime Blackwood MD FRCPC (Pediatric Critical Care Physician) Sanja Kostov, MD, CCFP
- Renee Nason, MD, CCFP, BHSc-hon, (Family Medicine)
- John Cinats, MD (Orthopaedic Surgery)
- Amber Peters, MD CCFP (COE)
- Rahim Janmohamed, MD, FRCSC (OBGYN)
- Joshua Wong, MD, MSc, FRCSC (Plastic Surgery and Burns) Tami Masterson, MD, FRCSP (Pediatrics)
- Tasneem Sajwani, MBBS, CCFP, FCFP
- Tara McGrath, MD, FRCPC
- Alena Tse-Chang, MD, FRCPC (Pediatric Infectious Diseases)
- Nureen Pirbhai, MD CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Steve Fisher, MD, CCFP-EM (Emergency Medicine)
- Donna Manca MD, BSc, MClSc, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Gaylene Genge, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Aubrey D Uretsky MD MSc FRCSC (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
- Thomas Jeerakathil MD, MSc, FRCPC (Neurology)
- Zahra Saleh, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Lindsay Bridgland, MD, FRCPC (General Internal Medicine)
- Bonnieca Islam, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Carla Laidlaw CCFP, (Family Medicine)
- Diana Hong, MD, CCFP
- Emily Almaden-Camacho MD, CCFP, CMD (Family Medicine)
- Mukarram Ali Zaidi, MBBS, CUS, MSc, MD, CPHRM, MCFP. PPP (Family Medicine) Jon Zaozirny MD CCFP-EM (Emergency)
- Lynnsey Frunchak, MD, CCFP, (Family Medicine)
- Megan Ruth, MD, PhD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Mona Zhang, MD, FRCPC (Peds)
- Yuliya Kolodenko MD, CCFP
- Kathleen Perreault, MD, FRCPC (Psychiatry)
- Sandra Corbett, MB, BCh, MRCPsych (General Psychiatry)
- Elena Liew, MD, FRCPC (Hematology)
- Brenda Law, MD, FRCPC
- Prabhpreet Dhaliwal, MD, FRCPC (Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine) Lynnsey Frunchak, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Ryan Wright, MD CCFP (Family Medicine, Hospitalist Medicine)
- Mark Schindel, MD, FRCPC (Anesthesia)
- Candy Marcet, MD, PhD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Nadine Letwin, MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Pierre-Marc Villeneuve, MDCM, FRCPC, MSc. (Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Critical Care) Antonia Cappella, MD, FRCPC (Geriatric Psychiatry)
- Marcelo C Shibata, MD FAHA (Cardiology)
- Oana Caluseriu, MD, FRCPC, FCCMG (Medical Genetics)
- G.Juliana Rey-Parra. MD, PhD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Girudiha Kuganathan, MD CCFP
- Dionne Walsh, MD, CCFP (PC)
- Fareeha Nasir MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Melissa MacPherson, PhD, MD, FRCPC, DABMGG, FACMG (Medical Genetics and Genomics)
- Ted Roberts MD FRCPC (Neurology)
- Jonathan Abele, MD, FRCPC (Nuclear Medicine)
- Melanie Marsh-Joyal, MD, FRCPC (Psychiatry)
- Tally Mogus, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Amy Rosborough, MD, CCFP (COE) (Family Medicine)
- Edward Gee, MD (Family Medicine)
- Andrea Tamm, MD CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Megan Fowler, MD, FRCPC (Pediatric Emergency Medicine)
- Kristalee Watson, MD, FRCPC (Anatomical Pathology)
- Nabil Al-Kayssi MD, M.Sc., CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Jaspreet K. Khangura, MD, MSc, FRCPC (Emergency Medicine)
- Jessica Kirkwood, MD, CCFP (AM)
- Carmen Young, MD, FRCSC (Maternal Fetal Medicine)
- Andrea Freitas MD CCFP (family medicine)
- Campbell-Scherer, MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Jamil Janmohamed, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Alyzee Sibtain, MD, FRCPC (Radiology)
- Kem Algu, MB.ChB. DOH, DTM&H, MBL, CCFP, FCFP. (Family Medicine) Oleksa Rewa, MD, MSc, FRCPC (Critical Care Medicine)
- Sharif Shaik, MD, FRCPI (Neonatology)
- Treena Trustham, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Rose Yeung, MD, MPH, FRCPC (Endocrinology)
- Loretta Fiorillo, MD FRCPC (Pediatric Dermatology)
- Ping Chen MD FRCPC (Emergency Medicine)
- Shawkat Michel, MD, FRCS Ed (Ophthalmology)
- Cheryl Mack, BSc Hons, MD, MA, FRCPC (Anesthesiology and Pediatric Palliative Care) Julie Seymour, MD, CCFP(EM) (Emergency)
- Maileen M. Lim, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Lakshmi Puttagunta, MD (Anatomical Pathology)
- Christine Froelich, MD, FRCPC (Psychiatry)
- Chantelle Champagne, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Anna Donovan, BMBS, FRCPC
- Melanie Currie MD CCFP FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Rachel Khadaroo, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS (Surgeon & Intensivist)
- Dana Mihalicz, MD, MSc, FRCSC
- Kieran Halloran, MD, MSc, FRCPC (Lung transplant)
- Mary-Pat Schlosser, MD, MIH, MPH, FRCPC (Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Palliative Care)
- Darren Markland, MD (Critcal Care, Internal Medicine, and Nephrology) Mary Fras MD FRCPC (Pediatric Respirologist)
- Sue Chandra MD, FRCSC (Maternal Fetal Medicine)
- Lynn Jacoby, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Charlene Dinakaran, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Hernando Leon, MD PhD FRCPC FACP (General Internal Medicine) Constance Chik, MD, PhD, FRCPC (Endocrinology)
- Jennifer Jin, MD, FRCPC
- Shazia Chaudhry MD, CCFP (Family Physician) h Abday, RN ACCN, RGH (Emergency Room)
- Rhea Varughese, MD FRCPC (Respirology)
- Chelsea Smithbower, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Stanley Govenlock MD (Psychiatry)
- Jeanelle Sabourin, MD MPH FRCSC (Gynecologic Oncology) Penny Smyth, MD, FRCPC (Neurology)
- Michael Knash MD FRCPC (Neurology)
- Cecile Phan, MD, FRCPC
- Ramon Grover MD, FRCSC (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery) Melanie Currie, MD, CCFP
- Michael Pappachan, MD, FRCPC (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) Jarrod Anderson, M.D. CCFP (Emergency Medicine)
- Rebeccah Rosenblum, MD, FRCPC (Emergency Medicine)
- Eric Bedard MD, MSc, FRCSC (Thoracic Surgery)
- Bonita E. Lee, MD, MSc (Epi), FRCPC (Pediatric Infectious Disease) Neeja Bakshi, D.O. (General Internal Medicine)
- Ricky Zhang, MD, CCFP-EM (Emergency Medicine)
- Ioana Bratu, MD, FRCSC (Pediatric Surgeon)
- Virginia Gunn. MD, MHSc, FRCPC (Vascular surgery)
- Atilano Lacson, MD, FRCPC (Laboratory Medicine)
- Allison Kirkham, MD, FRCPC
- Joseph Brandwein, MD, FRCPC (Hematology)
- Andrea Woo, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Keith Huber, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Kelly Dabbs MD, FRCSC (General Surgery)
- Taryn Brown MD, FRCPC (Emergency Medicine)
- Robin A Lamoureux MD., CCFP, FCFP (Hospital Medicine)
- Richard Sherlock, MD (Radiology)
- Jamil Kanji, MD, DTM&H, FRCPC (Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology) Debra Hammer MD MSc FRCPC FACC (Internal Medicine/Cardiology) Lilah Rossi, MD, CCFP, FCFP
- Philip F Halloran MD PhD (Nephrology)
- Juliet Fairfax, MBChB, CCFP
- Laurie Lee NP MN, PICU Nurse Practitioner
- Fraulein Morales, MD, FRCPC, FACP (General Internal Medicine) Colleen Kjelland, MD, FRCP (Emergency Medicine)
- Lotje Wasilenko, MD, CCFP (Care of the Elderly)
- Tiffany Kwok, MD, FRCPC (Dermatology)
- Sheryl Koski MD, MHPE, FRCPC (Medical Oncology)
- Jeff Mohler. MD. (Emergency Medicine)
- Jed Shimizu, MD CCFP (Care of the Elderly)
- Victoria Ung, MD, CCFP
- Suk-Kun Lee, BSc, MD, FRCPC, FACP (Internal Medicine)
- Michael Fiorino, MD.(family medicine with special interest in long term care medicine, supportive assisted living and geriatrics)
- Suzanne Chan, MD, FRCPC, FCCMG (Anatomical Pathology)
- Elysia Ma MD, CCF
- Hilary Kornder, MD, CCFP
- Carolina Escudero, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Aleksa Botros, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Erin Chapman, MD, FRCPC
- Deanne Watrich, MD, CCFP(EM) (Emergency Medicine)
- Comfort Samakinde MBchB,MD,DOH,PGHIV (Family Medicine)
- Shawn Wasilenko PhD MD, FRCP(C) (Gastroenterology)
- Sarah Meleshko MD, CCFP(EM) (Emergency Medicine)
- Linda L. Smith, MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Alexa Bertagnolli-Hansen MD (Family Medicine with Geriatric Focus)
- Gerry Schwalfenberg MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine with special interest in long term care)
- Frances Carr, MB, ChB, MSc, FRCPC
- Diana Yu, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Fraser Armstrong, BSc, Bcom, MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Andrew Stagg MD MSc CCFP(EM) FCFP (Emergency Medicine)
- Tanya Drews MD FRCPC (Pediatric Critical Care Physician)
- Arsalan Hassan, MD, CCFP-EM (Emergency Medicine)
- Janet L. Wright, MD, FRCPC (Psychiatry)
- Cathy Flood MD FRCSC (Urogynecology)
- Kesa Robinson, MD, CCFP
- Paul V Greenwood, BSc., MB, ChB, FRCP(C), FRCP (Cardiology and Internal Medicine) Andrei Poukhovski, MD, PhD (Psychiatry)
- Vanessa Maclean MD, CCFP (Emergency Medicine)
- Eunice Chow, MD, FRCPC (Dermatology)
- Akinyele Iyiola, MBBS, MMSc , FRCPC , FAPA (Psychiatrist)
- Michael Savard, MD, (Family Medicine)
- Aalo Duha, MD FRCP (Diagnostic Imaging)
- Alexandra Seal, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Mireille Kattar, MD, FCAP, D(ABMM) (Pathologist & Medical Microbiologist) John Holland MBChB, FRCPC (Pediatrics)
- Stan Houston MD DTM&H FRCPC (Infectious Diseases, General Internal Medicine and Public Health)
- Sayra Khandekar, MD, FRCPC, FACC (Cardiology)
- Aliyah Kanji, MD, FRCSC, FASMBS (General Surgery) Graeme Brassard, MD, FRCSC (Obstetrics/Gynecology) Hythum Elharathi MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Andrew Spak, BA, BSc, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine) Dorothy Hardy MD, FRCPC (Anesthesia)
- Aisha Mirza, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP (Emergency Medicine) Thomas G. Salopek, MD FRCPC (Dermatology)
- Tara Rimmer, MD, FRCPC (Anesthesiology)
- Stanley Greenspan, MBBCH, FFRAD (Radiologist)
- Peter Kruger, MD, FRCSC, (Obstetrics/Gynecology)
- JP DE B Grobbelaar , MB CH B (Family physician- Rural) Mariel Fogel, RN,BN, RGH (Emergency)
- Adil Ladak, MD, MSc, FRCSC (Plastic Surgery)
- Sopheap Ou, FRCPC (Radiology)
- Jennifer Coppens MD CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Michelle Jung, MD, FRCPC (Rheumatology)
- Christine East, MD, CCFP (Emergency Medicine)
- Smitha Yaltho, MBBS, CCFP, FCFP, CMD (Family Medicine) Wendy Dawson MD CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Christina Bakir, MD, FRCSC (Orthopedic Surgery)
- Dianne Brox, MD, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Cara Robertson, MBChB (Palliative Care)
- Melanie Purtzki, MD, FRCPC
- Winnie Sia, MD, FRCPC (Internal Medicine)
- Todd Chaba, MD, FRCPC (Anatomical pathology and internal medicine). Felix Soibelman MD, FRCPC (Emergency Medicine)
- P.Y. Billie Au, MD, PhD, FRCPC (Genetics)
- Kathleen Baergen, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- James Bell MD. ( Family Medicine)
- L. Lee-Anne Jansma, BSc, MD, CCFP (Family Medicine) Rhett Taylor, MD, FRCPC (Diagnostic Radiology)
- Andrew Walsh MD FRCPC (Radiology)
- Jacqueline Holm Jhass, MD, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Aniket Bankar, MD (Hematology)
- Scott Johnson, MD MSC FRCSC (Thoracic Surgery)
- Jackie Kassam, MD, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Natashka Pollock, MD, PhD, FRCSC
- Cecile Phan, MD, FRCPC (Neurology)
- Jennifer Guillemaud, MD, FRCSC
- Rasheed Hosein, MD, FRCPC (Internal Medicine)
- Shelley Smith MD, CCFP, FCFP (Family Medicine)
- Robert Wittmeier MD, CCFP (Emergency Medicine) Jessie Breton, MD FRCPC (Emergency Medicine) Rebecca Lee, MBChB, MRCP (Geriatric Medicine) Tais da Costa São Pedro, MD (Pediatric Intensive Care) May Sanaee, MD MHScEd FRCSC (Obstetrics/Gynecology) Riley Boyle, MD, FRCPC (Anesthesiologist)
- Ben Macedo MD, CCFP (Family Medicine)
- Elisabeth Thompson, MD, FCFP
- Andrea Estey, MD, FRCPC (Pediatric Emergency Medicine) Melissa Setiawan, MD, FRCPC
- Liza Noonan, MD, MSc, FRCPC
- Amy Chow, MD, FRCPC
- Andrea Opgenorth, MD, PhD, FRCPC (Endocrinology) Devika Dixit, MD, MSc, FRCPC (Pediatric Infectious Diseases) John Kachope, MB ChB, FRCPC, FACP (Internal Medicine) Thirza Carpenter, MD, FRCPC (Internal Medicine)
With files from Jennifer Lee and Elise von Scheel