Alberta still sees influx of Canadians from other provinces
17,577 moved to Alberta in first 3 months of this year, while 14,149 moved away

More people moved to Alberta from elsewhere in Canada than moved away in the first three months of the year, but just barely.
According to Statistics Canada numbers, 17,577 people moved to Alberta in the first quarter of 2019. At the same time, 14,149 people moved away — making for a net gain of 3,428 new residents.
ATB Financial noted that this is the fifth quarter in a row that Alberta has gained people via interprovincial migration. But it's a slow rebound.
"While the return to positive territory is a good sign, the net inflow from other parts of Canada is lower than it was before the recession," the financial institution said in a release.
From 2011 to 2014, Alberta gained an average of 7,388 people per quarter from interprovincial migration compared with just 2,233 per quarter since the beginning of 2018.
"Population growth from interprovincial migration is an indication that the recession is behind us," ATB Financial said.
"The fact that the net inflow of residents over the last five quarters is slower than it was before the downturn is in keeping with the somewhat tepid nature of the recovery, so far."