Alberta campsites full this August long weekend
All pre-reserved spots are taken

Parks Canada and Alberta Parks say all of the provinces's pre-reserved camp spots are gone.
"I put it up on my screen at work and just keep going in and checking and checking and checking," said Calgary's Tanya Surette.
She got lucky and found a spot because someone cancelled.
"So we snuck in."
Campgrounds are also booking up faster than last summer.
"I think that people are staying home, the American dollar, a lot of people want to camp in Alberta," said Siegfried Schwarz, who runs Mount Kidd in Kananaskis.
He says sales for the RV park and campground are up 10 per cent from last year.
It's hard to determine whether there are still any first-come-first-served campsites, because they're not posted online.
However, many families were already lining up for them on Thursday.