New association 'by and for Alberta nurses' launches with aim to support and advocate
Group says it wants to work on behalf of all nursing professions in the province

A new provincial association for nurses has launched in Alberta with a stated goal of supporting nurses throughout their careers in the health-care industry.
The Alberta Association of Nurses (AAN) held a launch celebration on Monday via a video stream to mark the occasion.
"We've been working on getting this organization off the ground since January 2021," said Alycia Lobay, the first president of the AAN, adding much of that volunteer work had been put in during evenings after work.
The AAN describes itself as Alberta's first "profession-inclusive" association for nurses in Alberta.
It is not a union and will not focus on employer relations.
Those who become members will receive access to workshops, discounts on various products and other professional development opportunities, the organization says.
"We intend to be a strong provincial voice for nursing, endorsing and promoting issues and causes that are important to nurses," said Kathy Howe, the AAN's executive director.
The AAN says it will represent all nurses, including those who are not union members.