Charges pending against West Vancouver resident for feeding wildlife, conservation service says
Feeding dangerous wildlife is an offence under B.C. Wildlife Act

A West Vancouver resident could face charges after allegedly feeding bears and coyotes in the area for months.
The B.C. Conservation Officer Service (COS) says they received a tip alerting them to the situation and officers "intercepted" the resident on May 13.
The COS would not provide details about what the person was feeding the animals, specifics about how long this had been going on, or any other details about the investigation.
"It is extremely dangerous to feed dangerous wildlife. There's a reason it's illegal," Sgt. Simon Gravel told reporters during a Tuesday press conference.
Last week, the COS said on Facebook that a Port Moody resident had been charged for something similar — the person had been leaving tuna, hot dogs and pet food out for animals. They were given a $230 ticket.
Feeding dangerous wildlife is an offence under the B.C. Wildlife Act and could result in fines of up to $100,000.
Gravel says it's too early to determine how much the West Vancouver resident may be fined.
"Feeding wildlife compromises both public safety and the welfare of the animal," Gravel said.
Anyone with information about someone feeding wildlife is asked to report it to the Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) hotline at 1-877-952-7277.