Victoria's Gorge waterway needs cleanup after barge full of scrap cars tips
A toppled crane appears to have caused the accident

A barge carrying scrap vehicles tipped in Victoria's Gorge Waterway Friday, sending more than 50 cars spilling into the water.
The accident occurred when a crane that was loading cars onto the barge apparently tipped, causing the barge to list badly, said Katie Hamilton, a spokeswoman for the city of Victoria.
No one was injured in the accident, but the dramatic spectacle was shared by Twitter users.
Shoutout to <a href="">@Nikki2987</a> who just had a giant barge full of scrap cars tip over in the Gorge in front of her house <a href=""></a>
"It looks to be a crane that maybe fell off the barge. It was unloading . . . wrecked cars," Hamilton said.
"The reports here are anywhere from 50 to 100 cars in the Gorge Waterway, which is our upper harbour. It's alongside an industrial area where . . . they break down cars at a steel site there."
Hamilton said a WorkSafeBC investigation has begun and the Ministry of Environment will likely oversee the cleanup.