Police warn of high-risk sex offender in Vancouver
39-year-old Frank William Skani is serving a 10-year long-term supervision order

Police are warning Vancouver residents that a high-risk sex offender is now living in a halfway house in the city.
Frank William Skani is serving a 10-year long-term supervision order for convictions related to sexual violence, including sexual assault with a weapon, sexual assault, forcible confinement and break-and-enter, according to a press release.
Vancouver police believe Skani poses a significant risk to women, and say anyone who sees him violating the conditions of his supervision order should call police.
Skani is described as a 39-year-old Indigenous man with brown eyes and black hair shaved on the sides, with a short ponytail at the back. He is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs 198 pounds.

The conditions of his supervision order include:
- not to consume, purchase or possess alcohol or drugs
- not to own, use or possess a computer or any device with internet access
- not to acquire, possess or access pornography or sexually explicit material
- to report all relationships with women to parole supervisor
- not to be in the company of a sex worker
- not to be in any area known to be, or reasonably believed to be, frequented by sex workers, without prior approval of parole supervisor
- not to have inappropriate physical contact with any woman or girl. That includes unwanted touching or brushing up against someone
- not to go to the cities of Burnaby or Coquitlam for any purpose unless pre-approved in writing by parole supervisor