British Columbia

UBC animal experimentation questioned in letter

A Vancouver animal rights group is calling on the University of British Columbia to unleash information about its extensive animal research program.

A Vancouver animal rights group is calling on the University of British Columbia to unleash information about its extensive animal research program.

In a Thanksgiving Day letter to the school's president, 60 advocacy groups led by Stop UBC Animal Research asked for disclosure on experimentation. The groups are hoping to learn the numbers and species of animals used over the last 10 years, get research protocols, find out who's providing funding and to see photo and video documentation.

Spokesman Brian Vincent said the information would allow members of the public to decide how they feel about the issue, although his group ultimately hopes to end testing.

The public appeal comes after the volunteer group says it has been repeatedly denied Freedom of Information requests and meetings with UBC officials.

The group was formed in February after a UBC student publication reported the university is one of the largest biomedical campuses in Canada, using cats, pigs, rats and rabbits for research.