Truck driver in fatal hit and run investigated by Surrey RCMP
RCMP have spoken to truck driver involved, but still looking for witness driving dark PT Cruiser

Surrey RCMP have spoken with the driver in an apparent hit and run March 12 that killed a man pushing a grocery cart, and are looking for a second witness to the crash.
The incident happened shortly before 3:30 a.m. PT on Bridgeview Drive.
Video footage seized from a nearby business shows a semi truck hit an unidentified man from behind, while the man was pushing a grocery cart. He later died from his injuries.

Friday, police spoke to the truck driver, who gave his version of events and was released.
"Investigators have a great deal of work ahead of them prior to being ready for charge approval," wrote Sgt. Dale Carr in a statement.
Police are still looking to speak to the driver of a dark coloured PT Cruiser that drove past the crash 10 seconds after it happened.
The investigation will take months, said police, who are obtaining a warrant to search the vehicle, and plan laboratory DNA testing.
Police are also testing the truck to see whether any mechanical issue caused the crash.
Anyone with information on the incident or witness is asked to contact the Surrey RCMP's Criminal Collision Investigation Team at 604-599-0502.