BC Hydro asks hunters to avoid Site C construction
Crews are working on 75-kilometer transmission line in northeast B.C.

BC Hydro is asking hunters and trappers in northeast B.C. to avoid areas where crews are working on the construction of the Site C dam.
"The safety of the public and our employees is our number one priority," the organization said in a statement.
"Please watch for signs that indicate active work areas and do not hunt or shoot in areas where construction could be occuring."
BC Hydro spokesperson Dave Conway said the notice was issued because crews will soon be working along a 75-kilometer transmission line corridor connecting the future Site C dam to the existing Peace Canyon dam, which is covered in trees and foliage in spots.
Conway said signs will also be posted "in and around" areas where work is occurring and asked hunters and trappers to act cautiously in the area.
Construction of the dam is scheduled to continue until 2024.