Search for B.C.'s best lake: Round of 16
Skaha vs. Okanagan. Garibaldi vs. Joffre. Buntzen vs. Alouette. And can 2 remote canoeing lakes move on?

Spoiler alert: the 16 finalists left in the Search for B.C.'s Best Lake tend to be pretty popular, well-known lakes.
In some ways, that's to be expected in any online competition — when thousands of people are voting every round, it's hard for any more remote lake to make it far.
But it does mean that most of the lakes remaining in our bracket tend to be near big cities or highways, accessible enough for British Columbians to enjoy on a quick day trip.
And then there's Murtle.
"It's an overlooked gem in British Columbia," said Clearwater Mayor Merlin Blackwell, who was its park contractor for 15 years.
The largest canoe-only lake in North America, deep in Wells Gray Provincial Park, Murtle requires a 2.5-kilometre portage if you want to enjoy its splendour.
But if you do go in there, you're treated to yellow sandy beaches, plenty of trout, loons, moose, wolves, and everything else one might imagine in a B.C. marketing campaign.
"It's sort of a secret but not quite a secret among the people that really like their multi-day canoe trips," said Blackwell.
"It's just a spectacularly beautiful place."

Sweet 16
The Search for B.C.'s Best Lake began Monday, and over the next two weeks, we'll have a series of votes to (unofficially) determine which one is tops in the province.
A series of play-in votes narrowed the field down to 48 lakes, which we've divided into two sections, those in the southwest corner of the province (including Vancouver Island) and those beyond Hope.
Today, we go from 16 lakes to eight — and then we'll narrow it further until we crown a champion right before B.C. Day.
Other than Murtle, the only other lake remaining in the bracket that's not close to a highway is Bowron, another lake famous for its canoeing. They'll both have to paddle hard to survive though, as Bowron faces Emerald Lake while Murtle faces Kalamalka.

"I don't know if it can beat those heavy hitters, because those are pretty spectacular lakes with a lot of people that know them well," said Blackwell.
But if Murtle wins, Blackwell is confident the amount of effort required to visit means his hidden gem won't be ruined.
"It's an investment to go in there," said Blackwell.
"It keeps away the selfie set."
(Voting will be open until 10 p.m. PT.)
Southwest B.C. Quarterfinals

Interior B.C. Quarterfinals