Robert Dziekanski: Const. Gerry Rundel acquitted of perjury
Rundel says he wants his complaints over the incident investigated

Constable Gerry Rundel has been acquitted of perjury after being accused of lying when he and three other officers gave testimony at a public inquiry into the death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski.
Dziekanski was stunned by a Taser at the Vancouver airport in 2007 and subsequently died.
In a statement on his acquittal, Rundel thanked Madam Justice Miriam Gropper for "seeing the truth."
- 5th anniversary of Robert Dziekanski's death
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"In October of 2007, four officers answered a 911 call at the airport," wrote Rundel. "We responded as we were trained to. Sadly Robert Dziekanski lost his life. Since that date agendas have become more important than the truth."
Rundel has been critical of the perjury charges and in his statement today says that the crown never should have been allowed to proceed with the trials when a review in 2010 seemed to clear the four men of perjury and collusion.
Now that he has been cleared of wrong doing, he's asking that complaints he filed with the Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner and the Attorney General's Office be investigated.
- Bill Bentley not guilty of lying
- Kwesi Millington found guilty of perjury
- Monty Robinson guilty of perjury
Rundel is the second officer to be acquitted in the case. Const. Bill Bentley was found not guilty of perjury in 2013.
However RCMP Const. Kwesi Millington and Cpl. Monty Robinson have both been convicted of perjury.
They have not yet been sentenced.