Spirit of the West's John Mann among Order of B.C. recipients
16 people presented with province's top accolade

A diverse group of leaders with talents ranging from music to medicine have received the province's top accolade.
John Mann, a founding member of the iconic Canadian band, Spirit of the West, was among 16 people presented with the Order of British Columbia on Tuesday.
Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon says the award recognizes the hard work, generosity and outstanding achievements the recipients have contributed to the province.
Other recipients included former Tsawwassen First Nations chief Kim Baird, who played a crucial role in implementing the first modern treaty during the B.C. Treaty Negotiation process.
The province's longest-serving elected official and former attorney genera,l Brian Smith, entrepreneur and philanthropist Frank Giustra, and leukemia specialist Dr. Allen Eaves also received the honour.

The recipients were selected from over 200 nominations submitted to the province this year and join the more than 400 people to receive the award to date.
Also on the list:
- Business leader Janet Austin.
- Diving judge Beverley Boys.
- Health educator Saleema Noon.
- Cornelia Hahn Oberlander, a landscape architect.
- Canadian executive J. Pauline Rafferty.
- Victoria Foundation CEO Sandra Richardson.
- Broadcaster Robert Robinson.
- Businessman David Sidoo.
- Marjorie White, the founder of Aboriginal service agencies in Canada.
- Community leader Dr. Peter K. K. Wong.
- Dr. Eric Yoshida, a research expert on liver disease.